Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I had a classic conversation with a sales rep this morning. He called me to vent about what has been happening in his company and what the company has been asking him to do.

For the first minute or so I was following along with him as his rant started to build up a head of steam. It then became a runaway train and as the momentum started to build I knew I just needed to hold on tight and make it through the ride.

They did this, and they want that... they told me to do this and then they wanted me to do something else… they made me say this and then they said that… Are you starting to get the picture of how this conversation was going?

I tried to be a good listener, I AM A GOOD LISTENER, but in this case I will admit it was more ignoring than listening.

As his rage came to a head he started telling me what he “SHOULD” have said to “them”. He should have stood his ground and told them he wouldn’t do it. He “SHOULD” have just gone and done what he wanted to anyway. He “SHOULD” have quit and found another job.

After about what seemed like a few hours but in reality was about 5 minutes he became silent and asked if I was still there. I assured him I was and joked that it was only because we are friends.

He then made the statement, “IT JUST NEVER SEEMS TO BE ENOUGH FOR THEM”

I asked what wasn’t enough? Not enough time worked, not enough sales calls, not enough sales volume, what wasn’t enough? He said they want him to do more and more!

I asked him if he wanted to do less and less? The phone was silent. He said, “What do you mean?” I answered, isn’t a company supposed to ask their reps to do more and more?

How many of you would want to work for a company that asked you to sell less this year? I can imagine the conversation going like this;

Company: Sales reps, this year we don’t want to sell as much as last year.

Sales reps: WHAT? WHY?

Company: Last year we paid out too much in commissions because you sold so much product, we want to cut the payroll so we are asking each of you to sell 10% less than you did last year.

Sales reps: Won’t that mean we are making 10% less commissions?

Company: Yes, that’s the idea, you sell less, and you make less.

Sales reps: If we do this won’t the company make less profits also?

Company: Yes we will.

OK, you see how stupid this conversation is. A company that doesn’t ask for growth is asking to go out of business. A sales rep that doesn’t want their company to ask more of them is a rep that is going to be out of a job and company very soon.

As I was talking to the rep I asked him if the problem is the company wants more of him or if the company isn’t giving him the tools to do more? He immediately shot back that was it in a nut shell.

Reps, we all want to be successful, we all want to grow, but we all need to right tools to help us grow. If your company isn’t providing the right tools, don’t get negative and cut off your nose to spite your face by not selling, ask for the tools! If they are still not provided, find them for yourselves. There are a million tools available to reps and many are at no cost.

Like so many people today, don’t blame others for the problems you have. Take responsibility and find your own fix. You will be stronger for it and your sales will continue to grow because you know how to fix your own problems.


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