Friday, September 3, 2010


Those of you that know me, you know that I am a very positive person. Not that I don’t have my moments.. I just keep them few and far between. On the whole, I am a positive person.

During my career, many people have asked me what I do to keep the smile on my face and a positive attitude. My answer; I DECIDE! That’s it; I make the decision everyday to be positive.

Each morning, before I do anything else, I sit up on the side of the bed, I put both my feet on the floor and at that moment I decide what my attitude is going to be for the day. Now I know that this seems a little crazy to many of you. You are saying, how can you decide before you know what is going to be thrown at you for the day? That’s easy; my attitude doesn’t depend on any outside events. Outside events will test my commitment to keeping a positive attitude, but I make the decision about it.

Have you ever noticed that when you are having a good day, most of the small irritating things that would normally send you into a rage, seem to be a lot less serious? I find I am able to let so much roll off my back just by keeping a smile on my face and reminding myself that I DECIDED to have a good day today.

No one can take my good day away, no one can spoil my great attitude, and no one can darken my bright smile unless I give them permission. That’s right, the decision to have a positive attitude is yours to make, and once it is made, the decision to let your attitude change and have the day turn around and become stressful and miserable is yours also.

Two thoughts always go through my head about my attitude:

1) It doesn’t cost me anything extra to have a good attitude, but it can cost me a career to have a bad attitude.

2) Other then my family, should anyone have enough power over me to be allowed to steal my positive attitude?

You can do the same thing I do. The trick is to make up your mind and stick with it. When you start, set a goal of a few hours. Tell yourself in the morning that nothing can steal your great attitude until after lunch. When you see you can make it to lunch with ease (this shouldn’t take more than a few days) set your next goal to 3PM. The same thing, nothing that happens can steal your attitude. You handle the problems and move on not letting anything, not a customer, a manager, or the boss steal your attitude. Finally you will be able to go the full day. This is when you have mastered your attitude.

One caution, keeping a great attitude doesn’t mean that you stop caring about things that have gone bad, it doesn’t mean that you stop listening to your customers, managers or bosses. It simply means that you handle the day to day dealings with a positive attitude. You will start to see the opportunities in problems and be able to turn situations around to your advantage.

You attitude is just that YOUR’S! Protect it as if it were made of gold, because the truth is, it worth a lot more then gold will ever be worth!


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