Friday, January 20, 2012


I don’t know about you, but I have called hundreds of businesses MICKEY MOUSE OPERATIONS. This is not a compliment, it is usually said because of the poor way the business is run or handled a problem. Well I am WRONG!
Today I found myself calling a local business MICKEY MOUSE and as I was driving home I thought about my last visit to Disney World. I caught myself grinning like a child as I remembered my family and myself enjoying the attractions and rides throughout the different parks.
I remembered how many people were there and how amazed I was at how smoothly everything happened. The lines were long, but there was always something going on to hold our attention so the 90 to 120 minute waits didn’t seem long at all. The crowds around the food stands moved like a well oiled machine and all the food we bought was well let’s say hot and not talk about the fine taste, although most was good.
As always the parks were as clean as can be expected with about 200,000 of our closest friend there with us each day, and the one thing you can always say about Disney, you never saw a cast member without a smile.
This made me think about the business that I just left and for the life of me I couldn’t make any connections between them and Disney World. The near perfection of Orlando Florida was a far cry from the near disaster of Duluth Georgia.
I asked myself why I would say that this business was Mickey Mouse when it was the exact opposite.
How many businesses have you gone into and tried to sell only to be turned down and called Mickey Mouse because it made you feel good about not being able to sell them. Rather than admit that possibly you did something to kill the sale the business became a Mickey Mouse Operation that didn’t know what they were doing.
There is an old saying that whenever you point a finger, there are four pointing back at you. (try it you will see what it means) Rather than immediately blaming the business you should first take a look in the mirror and see if the reason for the failed attempt was the person looking back at you rather than the person you left in the business.
Take it from an old MOUSEKATEER, MICKEY MOUSE knows how to run the most successful amusement parks in the world. Maybe next time I get upset with a business I will need to call it something else, maybe I will call it …….

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