Friday, February 17, 2012


Every sales rep in the world has asked themselves this question, Why Won’t They Buy? Such a simple question that can have so many answers. Some of the answers are as simple as the question and some are not.
Here are some answers to this bewildering question;
1)      They won’t buy because the sales rep hasn’t shown enough value to the customer. If the customer doesn’t see the return on their investment they will not usually buy. It would be a bad business decision.
2)      The customer doesn’t like the sales rep. It’s a fact that people buy from people they like. It is just as much a fact that people will not buy from people they don’t like.
3)      They won’t buy because they still don’t understand what the sales rep has told them. If there are unanswered questions about the product or service you are selling no sale will be made.
4)      The customer not buying has nothing to do with you at all. It may be that the customer doesn’t have the authority to make the decision. They may not tell you that because they led you to believe they were the right person to talk to, but the truth is they can’t say yes.
5)      They won’t buy because they were the wrong prospect to begin with. You didn’t do your home work about them or you are working with wrong information. The wrong customer is as bad as having the wrong product.
6)      They won’t buy because they need to get more information about competitor’s products first. This happens in larger businesses many times, the buyer needs to have several companies present their solutions so a team can then decide which one to purchase.
So here are 6 reasons they won’t buy, I am sure that you can think of 6 more with very little effort. The question is what can we do to eliminate these reasons?
We have already done the most important thing, we have identified the whys. Knowing why prospects won’t buy helps sales reps do a better job selling. If you know a customer has a question you can make sure you answer the question during the presentation thus eliminating their reason not to buy. The same holds true for each reason here and on your list.
Next, analyze your sales calls and discover why YOUR prospects won’t buy. You may find a specific pattern or one specific thing they have in common and be able to make adjustments to avoid the things you have identified.
Don’t look for something that isn’t there. While you are looking for the reasons your prospects won’t buy, keep in mind that most sales is a 2-6-2 game. This means that 2 prospects will buy just because you show up, 2 will never buy no matter what you say, do, or offer, the final 6 need to be sold. Your prospect may not buy because they are one of the 2 that will never buy.
The best sales rep in the world will not sell everyone. The difference between the best sales reps and the worst is sometime the fact that the best sales reps don’t look at themselves as the reason for not making sales before they first look at all the other possibilities. Then if they come to realize they are the problem, they do whatever is needed to make the corrections so it doesn’t keep happening.

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