Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am so excited! I just got my tickets for the GET MOTIVATED SEMINAR that will be in Atlanta on November 1st.
ZIG ZIGLAR, my all time favorite motivator and sales mentor will be there along with 9 other great speakers. It is an all day program that I am sure will help motivate me to the MAX!
What are you excited about? Didn’t expect that question to come out of left field did you? When you opened your eyes this morning, what could you think about that motivated you and made you excited? Not so easy to pin point is it? That’s because so many of us have gotten ourselves to the point of auto-pilot. We get up, get dressed, do whatever morning set-up we have and then out the door for another day in the field or office. Not a lot to get excited about there is there? I know what you mean because I was there.
Doing things the same way everyday isn’t very exciting. As a matter of fact, stats show that what tends to happen to people who get into this trap is their quality of work goes down, the quantity of work goes down, and they will usually be in a new job someplace else in the near future.
Do I need to spell it out for you? This is what is called being in a RUT!
What needs to be done when you find yourself in a rut? DO SOMETHING EXCITING! It doesn’t necessarily need to be job related, although that is the best way to climb out of a rut. It can be something social, something personal; it can be as simple as finishing reading that book you started about 6 months ago. It doesn’t matter what it is just do something that will motivate you and make you excited when you are done with it.
Why is this so important that I am making an entire post on it? Easy, if you are bored, if you aren’t excited about what you are doing, your customers will see it in your face and hear it in your voice. Boredom and lack of enthusiasm show through even the best act! Customers are like your mothers, they can tell what you are thinking. This used to bewilder me so much, no matter what I was trying to hide, Mom always knew.
The worst part about being bored, unmotivated, not excited and less than enthusiastic is by the time you see it in yourself, your customers have been seeing it for hours! If you start to realize you are unmotivated at noon, every customer you have seen that day already knew it and saw it in your face and heard it in your voice.
How do you stop the doldrums? FIND YOUR HOT BUTTON! What is it that makes you yell WOO HOO when you are alone in the car? What is it that makes you smile and drift off into another world when you just think about it? I once had a young sales rep working for me and he kept a picture of a red Ferrari taped to the dashboard of his old Toyota pickup truck. That was his motivation, it was what he wanted so badly that just the sight of that beat-up picture made him smile and get past any problems for the day.
Do you have your own red Ferrari? Do you have that special thing that you are looking forward to so much that even the worst situation can be gotten past simply because you have your single most motivating thing on your mind? If you do GREAT! If you don’t you have some work to do because I am betting that you are in the rut already and don’t even know it.
Sit down tonight with a paper and pencil. Write out what it is that you love doing, write it out in such fine detail that when someone else reads it they will be able to feel it see it and imagine it exactly as you feel it, see it, and imagine it.
Once you have this motivator, you need to reinforce it in your mind. Every night the last thing you do before you close your eyes for bed is read it. When you wake up in the morning, before you do anything else (and I mean anything, you know what I mean) you read it. You take it with you in the field and every time your car stops you read it. You make sure that this is the real deal and that it IS the number one thing that excites you. If it isn’t go back and write out what needs to be changed, keep doing this until it is 100% on the money. NOW you have your motivator. Now you have your object of EXCITEMENT. Now you are ready to go and fight the battles we face every day as reps.
I have something to be EXCITED about, how about you?

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