The first question most of you want to ask me is, what’s a SO THAT?
A SO THAT is something I learned tonight at a meeting. It is an idea that is extremely powerful and an idea that will give you motivation everyday no matter how good or how badly your day is going.
Each of us has a SO THAT, some of us have a few of them. Some people have the same SO THAT but most of us have different ones. My brother has a SO THAT and it is so different from mine that it is hard to believe we are brothers, and yet one of the people at tonight’s meeting had the exact same SO THAT as I did. I will bet that there are people who are absolute enemies that share the same SO THAT.
So what is a SO THAT? A SO THAT is what enables us to move past failure. A SO THAT helps us stay grounded after victories. A SO THAT is always important and once we realize what it is we can never leave it behind or forget it again.
A SO THAT can’t be given away. A SO THAT can’t be received as a gift. You can’t inherit a SO THAT or leave one in your will. Because you can never lose a SO THAT, you can never find one. A SO THAT can’t be won in a lottery, or lost in a game of chance. A SO THAT only has value to YOU so no one will steal it.
Have any of you figured out what a SO THAT is yet?
A SO THAT is the reason you do what you do. Wasn’t that simple? NO? OK, let me say it this way.
Now do you get it? A SO THAT is your reason for doing just about everything. Why do you work? Some of you say for money. NOPE! You work SO THAT you have money that allows you to buy things.
(I am sure most of you who follow my blog have seen this coming)
Here is an exercise you can do. Think of the things you do every day and then think of the SO THAT which goes with them. Once you have identified the SO THAT’s you will look at what you do in a different light.
Some of the things you do that are no fun will all of a sudden have meaning and you will better be able to handle them. Some of the things that are a lot of fun will now have a much deeper meaning and you will do them even better and enjoy doing them even more.
This is such a simple idea, after I heard it tonight I was amazed at why I hadn’t seen it before.
Make your list of your SO THAT’s SO THAT you can become better at what you do every day.
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