Friday, October 14, 2011


As sales reps we have all lost sales. When we lose a sale we always view it as a loss for US. But isn’t it just as big a loss for the prospect?
I have sold a lot of things in my career, and I believe that when a customer bought my product they were improving the way they did business or in some way the quality of their lives. It didn’t matter if I was selling diamonds, pots and pans, or cleaners I knew that by buying my product the customer was getting their money’s worth.
But what about the customer that didn’t buy from me? I’m not talking about the customer that I cold called on and immediately said no, or get out. I am talking about the customer that was really interested and for some reason decided not to buy. If I believe that buying my product would help them than not buying my product had to hurt them.
Now we have a lose lose situation, no sale for me and no help for the customer.
I have written in my blog many times that a great sales rep is always interested in helping their customer, so if the fact that you didn’t make the sale bothers you more than the fact that you didn’t help the customer you are destined to only be a mediocre sales rep.
Yep, I said it and I mean it! I know there will be a lot of you that disagree, you will tell yourself that, “I had no control”, or “It wasn’t my fault”. And in most cases you will be right, but how you view missing the sale is entirely up to you.
Personally I have always tried to think of my customer first. There have been many times that I have told a customer I didn’t care who they bought the product from, just as long as they bought the product because it was the right thing for them or their business. This caring has paid off over the years many times over. A customer wants a sales rep that has their best interest in mind. The customer doesn’t want a rep with COMMISSION BREATH! (This is a term I heard from a speaker a few weeks ago and fell in love with) If the customer feels that your main motivation is receiving your commission check and NOT helping them solve a problem then I can assure you NO SALE WILL BE MADE!
I never want you or any rep to lose a sale, period! But if it happens, and it will, I want you as the sales rep to understand that there was no winner. I want you to realize that your customer lost more than you did. You need to know these things even though your customer probably never will.
Heads I win, Tails You Lose is an old comedy routine that made people laugh for many years when they heard it, in our world of sales there is nothing funny about it.

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