Monday, April 23, 2012


Sometimes in sales things happen that although you see them and hear them you still can’t believe them, today one of those special times happened.

I was in the field with a rep and we stopped into an old customer of his to check to see if they needed anything. The rep approached his customer and they shook hands and gave all the normal small talk greetings that I have heard hundreds of times.

The rep asked the customer if he could go and check the inventory, which is what he does every time he calls on this customer. However today was different, the customer told him no. The rep asked if there was a problem and the customer replied that there was and asked the rep to step into his office alone.

Now I have sat in waiting rooms before while reps and customers talked, as a trainer it happens quite a number of times, but this was very different. As the door closed I could hear the customer start to yell at the rep. Through the closed door I really couldn’t hear what they were yelling at each other about but I could tell that it was heated and that nothing good was going to come out of that office.

It was only about 3 or 4 minutes later that the rep and customer walked back out into the waiting area where I was. I expected to see bruises and blood from the battle that had just taken place. To my surprise they came walking out all smiles and the rep told me to follow him to the back to take the inventory.

I was almost as confused as you are right now. I didn’t know what happened but couldn’t wait to get into the car with the rep so I could ask.

We spent another 25 minutes talking the inventory and getting a $1200.00 order before we made it to the car. I sat in the passenger seat and just looked at the rep, he laughed and said he would tell me when we were driving out of the parking lot.

He said that this was his usual monthly brow beating, he said that every month the customer goes through the same conversation with him about how much product he buys and how much money he spends and how he wants either a price break or a quarterly reimbursement. The rep started laughing because he could see the amazement on my face. He continued to tell me that every month he tells the customer that he is getting the best prices, his company doesn’t give reimbursement checks and that he gives the customer the absolute best service of any vendor that supplies him.

He told me that every month the customer then tells him to just make sure that he isn’t being taken advantage of (the customer says it a little differently, but you get the idea) and to go do the inventory.

Is this normal? I have seen a lot of crazy customs between reps and customers, but I have never seen anything like this that happens on a regular basis. I am writing about it and as I am typing I can just barely believe that it really happened.

What this actually comes down to is the old saying, “The Customer is Always Right”. To some extent I believe this because I know the customer can be wrong but they can also shop anywhere they want. If a good old fashion screaming match makes the customer happy, it is our job to give him just that. But keep in mind, you need to know the customer well enough so you don’t take it a step too far.

It all comes down to this, if you are in sales long enough, and you call on enough customers just about anything can happen.


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