Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Somewhere not so far away, there is a place that all sales reps try to avoid. It is a grey place where there is only one color. It is a place where all words blend together and sound like a dull hum. It is a place where everyone has a smile on their face but no one is really happy. It is a place where everyone has the same ideas. This place is THE SEA OF SAME.
So many sales reps get caught in the undertow of the Sea of Same and are pulled away from the SHORE OF VALUE because they don’t do the little things that make them DIFFERENT from all the other reps out in the field.
We sometimes fool ourselves thinking that our product will make the difference. In today’s marketplace where every customer has the world market at their fingertips via the internet, very few, if any products can make save us from the Sea of Same.
We tell ourselves that our company will make the difference. Once again, there may actually be a small handful of companies that conduct their business in a way that is so different it can keep a rep out of the Sea of Same, but the odds are against you.
Price can only make a contribution to differentiating yourself from everyone else, but even price can only save you for so long. Are you thinking quality is going to be your lifeboat? Well like so many other factors, high quality will help only until competition catches up with you.
The SEA OF SAME is relentless and will do it’s best to draw you into its mediocre waters.
We need to find what will keep us safely on the SHORE OF VALUE. That something is YOUR PERSONAL STYLE! What is it that you do that no one else does for the customer? It can’t be something that everyone else does. It needs to be SPECIAL, it needs to be IMPORTANT, and it needs to have VALUE to the customer.
If your customers only see you doing what is expected then you are floating in the SEA OF SAME. However if you do something wonderfully unexpected, if you can save the customer time, money, aggravation or stress your customer will place you solidly on the SHORE OF VALUE and you will be the rep that the customer comes to depend on place the highest value on you.
Here is another very important part of doing the unexpected for your customer. TELL THE CUSTOMER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! If you do something that adds value, let the customer know you did it. I have seen reps do some great things for a customer but it has no value because the customer never knows they did it. The customer might notice it was done, but they think that one of their employees did it. (Actually I really think some customers think that elves come during the night and do it) When you tell the customer what you did make sure they understand the importance. Also, don’t make it sound like you are doing them a favor, always remember, they are doing you the favor by placing an order with you.
The SEA OF SAME is not a place for success. It is a place for mediocrity and average. If you are reading this blog, YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT!

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