Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Have you ever heard of killer sheep? I haven’t either. Sheep are passive, calm, timid animals which follow the shepherd from pasture to pasture grazing on the grass. Sheep have a pretty boring life wouldn’t you agree?
Many of you that follow this blog have been in my office and have commented on my collection of RHINOs. I love rhinos because I am a RHINO not a sheep.
No sales rep can be a sheep and become successful. I will go a step further; no sales rep can be a sheep and even be mediocre. SHEEP ARE FAILURES! I own a book that I bought just because of the title, “TIMID SALESMEN HAVE SKINNY KIDS” written by Judge Ziglar (The brother of the famous motivational speaker and sales trainer Zig Ziglar). So once again sheep are timid therefore SHEEP ARE FAILURES!
The reason I have a collection of RHINOs is because about 25 years ago I adopted a book as my road map for life. The book is called, “RHINOCEROS SUCCESS” written by Scott Alexander. Rhinoceros Success equates being a success with having the traits of a RHINO. Rhinos charge with singleness of purpose, they have 2 inch thick skin, they are massive, and they are aggressive. Rhinos don’t worry about the small stuff; to a rhino just about everything is small stuff! Unlike the sheep, rhinos don’t go where they are told to go, they can’t be led places they don’t want to go.
There is a biblical saying; the meek will inherit the earth. A rhino will tell you that the meek will only inherit what the strong leave behind. The same goes for sales, sheep sales reps only get the sales rhino sales reps leave behind. Remember Judge Ziglars book? TIMID SALESMEN HAVE SKINNY KIDS, RHINO SALESMEN HAVE HEALTHY, PLUMP (I refuse to say the “F” word, FAT), HAPPY KIDS.
One word of caution, don’t just charge around aimlessly. Keep in mind that rhinos charge only at specific and worthwhile targets. You will never see a rhino charge a mouse! A rhino sales rep will have MASSIVE goals and charge after them every day.
Here is one of my core beliefs, I believe that anyone who makes the decision to become a sales rep has a rhino inside them. It may be a baby rhino at first (baby rhinos weigh about 120 pounds, not too shabby huh?) but as the reps skills grow, so does the rhino inside the rep until it is a full grown 4000 pound charging mass of muscle bound rhino that no one can stop from becoming a success.

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