Monday, May 30, 2011


As Memorial Day 2011 comes to a close, I want to take this time to give thanks for the men and women who over the past 235 years have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country, our families, our land and most of all our freedoms.
As sales reps we all owe our livelihood to these great men and women, if not for their dedication and willingness to put it on the line for what is right we would be doing what our government told us to do, and it may not be selling.
There are people around the world who look at our freedoms and can only dream of the opportunity we have. They can only hope that someday they will be able to make decisions for themselves, and they can only pray that the USA never falters or fails in her mission to stop oppression and promote liberty and democracy.
I love sales people because one of our greatest strengths is the ability to give praise where praise is due, and I am sure that every professional sales rep that reads this blog will agree our service men and women deserve our highest praise and greatest thanks.
In the next week make it your business to thank a service man or woman. Tell them how you feel and how much you appreciate what they do. I do this EVERY time I see one in an airport. When you do this look into their eyes, you will see the pride they have in wearing our countries uniform, you will see the gratitude they have for the small gesture of thanks, and you will see the love they have for our country.
Thank you for another year of freedom, thank you for another year of safety, thank you for another year of service to our country. Stay safe, be strong, and know that you stand for what is right in the world.

It is the VETERAN,
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN,
not the reporter,
 who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN,
not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN,
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN,
not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN,
not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN
who salutes the Flag,
It is the VETERAN
who serves under the Flag,
God Bless them all!!!
Makes you proud to be an AMERICAN!!!!!

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