Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I was sitting in my local Caribou Coffee store today just enjoying a cup of coffee and reading a new book I will tell you all about when I finish it and couldn’t help overhearing a couple of gentlemen talking at the table next to me. From the conversation they were both sales reps and they must have worked together in the past. It was also very clear that they were working for competitors today and both thought their company was by far the best one to be working for.
It was great to hear these two friends beating each other up over who made the better choice in companies to go to work for and why. Everything from quality to price was discussed. They each bragged about their service and one of my favorite topics their companies training programs. They spoke about company culture and working environment. It was a no holds barred good old fashion head butting contest.
I kept my book open but to tell you the truth I sat there for over 25 minutes and didn’t read a word, I was too busy being entertained by these two reps. Then the one who seemed to be slightly behind in the debate almost made me drop my book. He said to his friend in a voice just one decibel below screaming, “IF WE (meaning his company) WANTED TO WE COULD FORCE EVERY ONE OF OUR COMPETITORS TO CLOSE THEIR DOORS BECAUSE WE COULD TAKE ALL THEIR BUSINESS”
I am shocked that they didn’t hear me snicker to that as I swallowed hard to keep from spewing my coffee.
I have worked for people in the past that had this same attitude about the company. It is almost admirable to think an employee could have that much faith and confidence in an organization that they could believe such a statement. Or is it a shame that an employee doesn’t see the faults a company has therefore isn’t doing anything to help improve the company.
Either way, it is absurd to think any company could be the only one to everyone.
You hear a lot of people complain about having competition, I love competition. Competition keeps everyone on their toes and makes everyone work harder and do better. The competition could be another company or it could be another rep inside your own company.
History shows us in almost every case (there are a few exceptions) when there is only one supplier quality goes down while prices go up. Without a competitor there is no check and balance for the market and without checks and balances bad things start to happen.
I knew the rep at the next table was just beating his chest and doing whatever he could to “one up” his friend, but it was still shocking to hear him take that path and make that statement.

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