Friday, August 24, 2012


I know better, in fact, I have been teaching reps to do it for the past two decades. Why didn’t I take my own advice? How could I have let myself fall into such a rookie trap?

Oh, sorry, I was giving myself a mental “GIBBS SLAP” (if you don’t know what a Gibbs Slap is look up NCIS) I needed a good swift kick in the seat of the pants!

Allow me to explain why I need all this punishment. I allowed my priorities to change without a plan.

Each day I have a set of activities and tasks that I know will lead me to achieving my goals. These activities and tasks are prioritized to allow me to complete the items that will have the most impact on my goals. Posting here is one of my main priorities. I know that by sharing information and giving the readers tools and thoughts that will make them better it will come back to make me better in turn.

Zig Ziglar says, “You can get everything you want out of life by helping others get what they want out of life”. The new term that seems to be popular today is “PAYING IT FORWARD”. This blog is one of my ways of paying it forward.

I have been very busy with my new position in my new company. I am out in the field selling every day and building a territory. I am using all the tools that I have been teaching other to use.

However, I have allowed new priorities to totally push some of my basic beliefs aside.

How many of you have done the same thing? How many of you have found a new task or activity that has made you sway from your basics and trek out on a new path?

Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying. Trying new things, taking new paths, and finding new adventures are all good things… if and only if you have a plan! If something new enhances your plan for success, then go for it! But if you fall into the trap I fell into and change things just for the sake of change, you are off track.

We work hard building out businesses, either face to face or electronically, don’t lose sight of what you have been working for. THINK before you shuffle your plan to accommodate an activity. Ask yourself will this task or activity move me closer to my goals faster, will they allow me to achieve more of what I have been working towards, will they enhance my quality of life (work or personal)?

If you answer yes to any ONE of these questions you need to reorganize your plan and priorities, if not, get back on track and back to your basics.


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