Monday, February 21, 2011


I saw the movie Secretariat this week, if you haven’t seen it I recommend it. In the movie there were so many great lines, one of which is the title of today’s post, LET HIM RUN HIS RACE.
In the movie it is obviously said about Secretariat, but the same line can be used for each of us. We all run our race differently and the best way for us to win is to simply LET US RUN OUR RACE.
I am not saying that we don’t need leaders and guidance, we all need these two things, what I am saying is that our own way of doing things will always be where we are the most comfortable. If a manager can see where our strengths are and allow us to use those strengths than we will grow to be great.
What does this mean to you and me? Well first we all need to realize that if what we do naturally isn’t the best way of selling WE need to change. Think of it like this, doesn’t every sports great have a trainer and a coach? The trainer works on the mechanics of the game the coach works on the strategies. If the players’ natural way of doing something isn’t the best, the trainer will work on changing it so the coach knows that he has the best he can have on the field. That’s what sales trainers and sales managers do. The sales trainer works on the mechanics, the sales manager works on the strategies. Together this triad can make amazing accomplishments within a company.
LET US RUN OUR RACE and we will pace ourselves to maximize our ability. LET US RUN OUR RACE and we will push ourselves to the limits of our ability. LET US RUN OUR RACE and we will accomplish more than we ever will trying to run someone else’s race. LET US RUNOUR RACE and no one will catch us.
We all may not be able to win the Triple Crown as Secretariat did, but we can all be in the winner’s circle if WE CAN RUN OUR RACE!

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