Thursday, April 7, 2011


Last week I went on a rep ride and while we were driving the rep reminded me of this story and I want to pass it on to you.
One Christmas Eve a woman was preparing Christmas dinner for her family. He husband was in the kitchen with her helping as he watched her take out the holiday ham and cut about 6 inches off the end of the ham.
Confused the husband asked his wife why she cut 6 inches off the ham. She looked at him and said, that is the way YOUR mother taught me to cook holiday hams. This was baffling to the husband so he picked up the phone and called his mother. When she picked up the phone he asked, Mom why do you cut 6 inches off the ham before you cook it? To that his mother said, that’s the way your grandmother taught me to prepare the Holiday hams.
Still not satisfied the husband called his Grandmother. When she answered the phone he said, Grandma, we are making the ham for tomorrow and we cut 6 inches off of it. I didn’t know why we did that so I called mom and she said that is how you taught her to make a ham. Can you tell me why you cut 6 inches off the ham? There was a moment of silence and then his Grandmother replied, I had to cut 6 inches off the ham dear, otherwise it didn’t fit in my pot.
So there you have it, the reason so many things are done. Not because they have any meaning today, simply because they once had meaning and no one has checked to see if it still makes sense to do it that same way.
As you go through your day tomorrow, take a look at some of the things you do and make sure they still make sense. I’ll bet we will all find out that we now have a bigger pot.

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