Monday, January 2, 2012


The Holiday's are over, we have all pack on those extra few (a very relative term) pounds, and most people are getting ready for their first work day of the new year.

A lot of people have made their new years resolutions and a few have already broken them.

All these things and so many more are for average people. This blog is for EXTRAORDINARY people. What is the difference you may be asking? Simple, average people are still thinking about last year and looking forward to this year. Extraordinary people are already looking towards next year.

You are a business, YOU Inc. you should have a long term growth plan. You should be doing things now that set up what you do and where you will be over the next 3 to 7 years. YES I am talking about goals!

Too many sales reps get caught in the trap of only thinking for the short term. Usually their attention is as far in the future as the next sales cycle, the next sales period, or the next bonus period. Very few are looking at their business long term.

To have a real long term view you need to be a student of your industry. What are the trends of your industry? What are the issues that will be modeling your industry for the next 3 to 5 years? Is there something happening that will change the way you need to sell or will what you are doing today be as affective next year as it is today? Is there someone in your industry that is heading for the top, and should you make it a point to follow that person? Is there a way to get close to that person and make them your mentor?

All these questions and thousands more need to be thought of today so you can be thinking of where you want to be this time next year in 2013. It isn't too soon to start, some would say you are already late, you should have started a few years ago.

No matter, it is never too late to start thinking ahead.

I hope 2012 is a great year for everyone, and that by planning and hard work 2013 will be even better for all of us.


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