Thursday, January 26, 2012


There is a commercial on television that I am sure everyone has seen no less than a dozen times. It asks the question, “What’s in your wallet?”
As sales reps I want to ask you a question that is more important, “WHAT’S IN YOUR HEAD?”
Yes, I am a big believer in positive thinking. I work hard every day to keep a positive attitude and not allow the negatives to control my attitude. I can’t give anyone a positive attitude, but I can give you some basic steps to help yourself get and keep a positive attitude.
The first step to having a positive attitude is to be conscience of what you are thinking. I know that sounds silly, if you are thinking you are conscience of the subject. What you may not be conscience of is if your thought is positive or negative. Every day we are bombarded with negative influence. If we focus on the negatives we will think negative thoughts. Does that sound logical to you? It is logical and it is simple. The hard part is monitoring your thoughts every minute of the day.
So now you are thinking about what you are thinking.
Your day is going good and then out of nowhere it happens, you realize you have a negative thought in your head. What do you do? Well here is another simple fix, replace the negative thought with a positive thought.
I’m not crazy, you can do it. I have found the best positive thought to have is how you are going to turn the negative thought around. If you are thinking that you are not going to make a sale, replace that negative with how you are going to approach the customer to save the sale and get the order. Think of other times you have been in the same place and turned it around. Think about how good it felt to get the order. THINK POSITIVE!
For every negative thought or situation there is a positive thought or situation, all you need to do is focus on it.
Sales, is as much in your head as it is in the value of your product. I have never seen a customer that couldn’t tell a negative attitude in the first seconds of a sales presentation. If we can learn to control what is in our heads we can be the positive, motivated, successes we deserve to be.

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