Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I was asked a question today and had a good time answering it for the rep.
I was asked, “What is the newest selling concept available?” I was loving life. Questions like this are what make being a Sales Trainer’s day.
I told the rep to explain his question. (Like I didn’t know what he meant) He said that he just sat through several hours of sales training and it was all the same old same old. He said the words were somewhat different but the concepts were what he has heard 6 times before over his tenure as a sales rep.
So first I asked if he felt it was a bad thing to hear the information again. He didn’t hesitate a bit before he said no. He was just curious if there was something new that he hasn’t heard yet.
I told him that as far as I know there hasn’t been anything new since about one million BC. When the first cave man picked up a giant bone and strapped it to the newly invented wheel to roll it to the next cave and sell, selling hasn’t changed.
I told the rep that the same information has been repackaged and restated over and over again by every self proclaimed expert that has come down the pike.
Now don’t misunderstand what I am saying, I don’t see anything wrong, as a matter of fact I have seen some pretty good pitchmen (and women) over the years. I have sat through some extremely well thought out presentations and have seen some very talented sales reps get re-invigorated by some of these people.
The only thing that I find a little unsettling is the fact that some of these people try and tell you that THEY came up with the ideas. They talk as if they actually have something new. I would feel better about them if they said they have taken the basics of selling and added their own spin to these classic and proven ideas.
All that being said, you can’t ever be told these basics too often. The next time you hear them may be the time that you catch one little piece which will change your sales life forever.
For years I have taught “Back to Your Basics” selling skills. Maybe I should change the name to, “The 100th Time Hearing things for the First Time”.

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