Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Most everyone who reads this blog are sales reps, and EVERYONE who reads this blog are consumers.

As a consumer, I want to ask you to think back at the purchases you have made over the past 6 months. Everything you have bought from your groceries to any major purchase you have made. How many of them have you made sight unseen?

I will bet not too many and the ones you did more than likely had a return policy that allowed you to return whatever it was if you weren’t completely satisfied.

Seeing, feeling, trying, and testing items we buy is a basic need for most people. We feel more comfortable if we are able to inspect an item before we buy.

And with that being said, I still see sales reps walk into prospects and customers empty handed. It is so simple to bring either a product sample or literature about your product or service in with you when you make a sales call. This way the customer can satisfy their need to inspect what you have before committing to the sale.

If we know this as sales reps, why would we ever try and TALK through the sale? Why would we ever try and describe our product instead of demonstrating our product? Why would we ever attempt to walk a customer through what we do and how we do it rather than SHOWING the customer what we do and how we do it?

I have heard numbers like 40% to 50% better chance of closing a sale when you have a live demo of your product as opposed to an explanation. That’s huge! Can you imagine how many more sales you could close by doing this one basic step, carry something in with you.


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