Tuesday, June 21, 2011


There are so many sayings about how hard it is to succeed that I wouldn’t even try and list them here. BUT I do want to add one more to the list by Dr. Dennis Waitley:

When I first heard Dr. Waitley say this my thoughts were about how rough the road to success is. Like a highway we drive that is under construction there are bumps, pot holes, and obstacles we need to do our best to avoid so we can arrive at our destination safely.

Then after hearing it said several more time I came to another possibility, DETOURS.

Living in Atlanta if there is one thing I know about it is road construction. We have roads that have been actively worked on for the past 41 years. (Possibly longer but that is as long as I can personally verify) These roads shift, come to an end, make sharp right turns and any one of a hundred other changes.

Isn’t that like the road to success? No two trips take the same exact route. You always need to be ready for changes even if you were in the same place yesterday. A sharp right turn yesterday can be a left turn today and dead end tomorrow.

So if this road is so bad and in such change why don’t we find another route? We don’t take another route because any other route is just as unpredictable and in every bit as bad shape as the one we just left.

There is no short cut to success, there is no way around the construction, there is no bypassing the rough road. You see, unlike any other destination you can head to, there is only one road to YOUR success. It is the road called WORK!

If it were easy we would call it play. If it were easy we would call it fun. If it were easy we would call it mediocrity.

Rather than look for an alternate route, make up your mind to expect the unexpected and be on your toes for the changes in course you will need to make to get you where you want to be.

Is this negative, I don’t think so. I think this is what a good sales rep lives for, the challenge of the trip. Another saying that fits here is, SUCCESS IS A TRIP NOT A DESTINATION. The excitement of the day to day challenge and the joy of getting further and further down the road to success is what motivates a sales rep.

This is as positive a post as I have ever written. I have said something to the reps I have trained for years, “This may not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear”

Put yourself into four wheel drive, strap on your safety helmet, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the trip of a lifetime. Don’t ignore the orange construction signs, just be ready for the changes they will place in front of you on your journey.


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