Tuesday, June 14, 2011


THANK YOU! Two words that can make so many mistakes and misgivings disappear. Thank You, words that we take for granted in today’s business world. Thank You, is a statement that is thrown around like beads at Marti Gras. Thank You, so easy to say, so easily looked over, so easily forgotten.
We hear it every day from someone, Thank You. Sometimes we ask ourselves what are they thanking me for? Sometimes we get annoyed because we expected a Thank You and didn’t get one. I have found myself saying it to myself when the person that should be saying it didn’t. (It sure embarrasses them when I do that)
As sales reps we sometimes find ourselves saying Thank You so much that we take some of the feeling out of the words. We say them sterile and emotionless. We often say it as an afterthought. Sometimes we don’t say it at all.
I have asked you to practice every part of your presentation over the past 10 months that I have been posting. I have said Thank You for reading my blog and Thank You for following my blog. I have said Thank You for following my blog and Thank You for leaving a comment on my blog. I have said Thank You for the e mails and phone calls. But as many times as I have said it I have never asked you to practice it.
Delivering a good Thank You after a sales presentation can make a world of difference. It doesn’t have to be only after someone buys from you. A sincere Thank You for giving you the time to show your product or service can leave behind such a good impression that no’s turn into yes’s.
Couple a good sincere Thank You with a firm and honest handshake and your last impression may be your best impression.
Go to any bookstore and you can find books written on “opening” a sale, “presenting” a product, “closing” a sale, and “Following-Up” on a sale, but I haven’t ever seen a book on how to say good-bye after the sale or presentation.
What does a great Thank You sound like? It sounds like you mean it. It sounds like you are truly appreciative of the person you talked to and most of all it doesn’t come from your order book or wallet, it comes from your heart.
With all this being said, THANK YOU for your loyalty, THANK YOU for your time, and THANK YOU for allowing me the opportunity to share my ideas and thoughts with you.

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