Monday, November 29, 2010


Spoken one at a time these two words appear to be totally harmless, Spoken together they ask a question that has made more sales, brought in more revenue, and broken more sales reps than any other two words in the world.
Say them with me separately, WHAT and IF. No harm done, we use these two words hundreds of time a day in our normal conversation. What is that, what did you do, what did she say, what does that mean; all these are simple questions we ask everyday and there are hundreds more. If you did this then, if that had happened, if she had said, if he had done; are also very simple statements that are used in normal conversation.
Now, say these words together with me, “WHAT IF”? Together they make a question, “what if” you did, “what if” this happened, “what if” he said, “what if” I did, “what if” I said, “what if”, “what if”…
“What if” has helped make some of the greatest inventions in the world possible. These two words can question status quo and force people to look into an issue further and try new never before tried ideas. “What if” drives humans to go in directions they never thought of before. “What If” stirs the imagination and helps thinkers think.
There is another time we use “WHAT IF”, and it is usually not a good thing in this context. “WHAT IF” I HAD ONLY…? When “what if” is used to second guess your life long decisions, these two words become tools of destruction. They can destroy a career, they can destroy a company, and the worst of all, they can destroy a family.
How do you avoid “what if”? You avoid it by following the words made famous by Nike, “JUST DO IT”! If we start to do more and question ourselves less we will not be using “what if” in the future. Now stop right there!! Some of you are saying that you are too young to have “what if” moments, nonsense; you can be 21 or 91 and have “what if” moments. Any time you think back to a time that you had to make a major decision you can be having a “what if” moment.
“JUST DO IT”! Take the chance, roll the dice, cut the cards, “JUST DO IT”. The absolute worst thing that can happen is you make a mistake. A mistake today can usually be corrected rather easily, a “what if” moment years from now will never be able to be corrected. It will be the 800 pound gorilla that you will need to live with for the rest of your life.
The decision is yours, “WHAT IF” or “JUST DO IT”?
You know my vote!

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