Monday, March 14, 2011


 I got an e mail over the weekend that asked me how much it costs to sign up to follow the blog. I had to laugh! I wanted so badly to tell them something like $9.99 a month, but I just couldn’t do it. IT IS FREE TO SIGN UP. Please take a second and sign up to follow me. Click on the “FOLLOW” button just to the right. ------------> -----------> ------------> ------------> ---------------------------------------------> ----------------------------------------------------->

I wish each of you could be Lorin for one day, just to see how wonderful it is.
I would want you to understand the great relationship I have with Jackie, my wife of over 35 years. I can remember everyone telling us that “THE FIRST YEAR IS THE HARDEST” and I can also remember Jackie and I looking at each other on our first anniversary and wondering why they said it.
If you could just feel the love I have for my daughters Alyson and Erin and know for one second how proud I am of them both. My two daughters are so much alike, and yet different in so many ways. They brighten my life with their smiles, and sometimes darken my door with their attitudes. But they are always there when Jackie or I need them, and always do the right thing.
Each of you should know what it is like to have a home. NOT JUST A HOUSE, or a place to live, but a real home. A place where you are safe, a place where you can go no matter what has happened and know that only good things are there waiting for you.
IT IS GREAT BEING ME! But you are not Lorin (I know some of you that know me well just gave a big sigh of relief) you are you. Is your life a happy one?
I don’t want this to turn into a sermon, I do however want you to think about the life you have made for yourself. Does this life help you to succeed? Is your house a home where you get the encouragement and support you need to survive in the sales field?
When I started out in sales I didn’t know how fortunate I was to have a wife that would push me every day. She would never allow me to fail. She would always find the words that motivated me and got me up when I was down and got me going when all I wanted to do was STOP!
We all know how negative a day in the sales field can be. Not all days thank goodness, but some are worse than others. If we have a negative day in the field, and come home to a negative environment that would be a lot for anyone to stand up to on a long term basis.
Get your family involved in your business life as much as they hopefully are in your personal life.
I have talked to husbands and wives of sales reps that had no idea what their spouse did every day. The spouse knew very little about the company, product, customers, or details of the reps job. It was frightening to me to see a couple that had so little knowledge of what one another did for a living.
I suggest you start by sitting down with your entire family and have a good talk about what it is you do. Explain to them “A Day In The Life Of” and what you see and hear from your customers. Depending on your company, maybe taking each family member out in the field with you for a day (make sure they are old enough, don’t be a baby sitter for your 3 year old) Let them see firsthand what you do and how you do it.
Next, tell them what you need from them to be successful. You may want them to be exactly as they are now and know nothing about your business, maybe you want them to know your daily quota and don’t let you back in the house until you hit it! TALK, LET THEM KNOW what you need.
Tell them what it will mean to them if they help you to hit your goals and succeed. Maybe that vacation you have wanted to take, maybe just paying all the bills so the collectors stop calling, or anything in between. If you can get your entire family behind you, there is very little chance you will not be a success!

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