Thursday, March 10, 2011


When most people hear the term “Internet Sales” they think of products and services that are sold over the internet and purchased over the internet. When I hear the term it means something different. To me Internet Sales are sales that I make in person using the internet to find leads and information.
We can all agree that the internet is awesome. There isn’t much you can’t find on the internet in a few seconds of searching. If you want a recipe for black eyed peas or if you want to learn how to build a tree house, it is all there for you to find on the internet.
Other information on the internet may be a little more useful to you (However a good black eyed pea recipe is almost priceless) what businesses in your territory are growing, shrinking, going out of business or just opening up. By doing some very simple searches you can narrow down prospects and customers by streets, zip codes, towns, counties however you want them listed.
Open up Google and type in auto repair Main Street and then add your home town name. My search would be auto repair Main Street Norcross Georgia. This search gave me over 95,000 results in .18 seconds. OK, let’s see if I call on 10 of these a day I will have about 9500 days worth of calls lined up. There are 365 days a year so I will be busy for the next 26 years (with no days off and no sick days) are you starting to see my point?
I have talked about information being power and power is money, this kind of information, just like the black eyed pea recipe, is PRICELESS.
The internet is more than just a place to buy stuff, it is more than just a place to meet people, and it is a lot more than just a place to read jokes. The internet is a place to find hidden money. It is a place to build your list of potential customers. It is a place to help you gather the information you need to become more successful faster than you ever thought you could.
DON’T pay for this information. There are hundreds of sites that charge you for leads and the kind of information I am talking about. Don’t spend your hard earned money on them. Go to your local library, most of the best data bases are available free of charge from the library.
You local labor department has data bases you can use for free. The Chamber of Commerce in your area has this information. Before you spend a nickel for information, look around and see what is available for free.
Other great places to look are local trade schools, community colleges, business association offices and your local news papers. Many churches and temples have job boards, if a company is hiring it is usually a good sign that they are in a growth mode.
A little imagination and some time investments can give you all the information you will need to not only survive the hard times, but grow exponentially in the hardest of times!
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