Tuesday, March 15, 2011


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Once again, daily life has supplied me with my idea for today’s posting.
My wife, daughter Alyson and I went out to an early dinner tonight at IHOP (senior discounts from 3 to 6) and while we were eating a gentleman came into the restaurant alone and sat in a booth nearby. I didn’t think much of it until I saw him pull a book out of his computer case and he started reading.
I looked over at him and the way he was holding the book I could read the title very clearly, “SEEING RED CARS”. I said to my wife and daughter that without ever hearing of the book I knew it was a motivational book.
I got up and walked over to the man and asked him, he looked a little puzzled at first when I said, “Is that a good motivational book? The title caught my attention.” He asked me how I knew it was a motivational book? I told him it was easy, a great title, awesome color, and it could be read in a day.
I told him I had seen my share and that I had not heard of that one. He asked what I did and I told him I was a sales trainer, with that he shook his head and understood how I knew. He told me his manager just handed every sales rep a copy of the book and told them to read it by Friday’s sales meeting.
He had just started it when he sat down so he couldn’t even give me a hint about what it was about or how good it was. Here I go, deep diving to my favorite book site, good old Amazon.com. It took about 20 seconds to pull it up and there it was that bright red cover I just saw at the IHOP.
After about 5 minutes of reading some of the pages and about the author, I got back in the car and over to Barnes and Nobles and I am now the proud owner of SEEING RED CARS by Laura Goodrich.
There you have it, need I say more? GO GET THE BOOK AND START READING! Let me do one better, GO GET ANY BOOK AND START READING! (I know some of you too well, make sure the book is of the motivational kind, and by that I mean BUSINESS motivation! Gezzz, sometimes I wonder about my friends and followers!! J)
A friend of mine who passed away about 2 years ago, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, had a famous quote that he was known for; “You are the same today you’ll be five years from now except for two things: The people you meet and the books you read”.
If you are not ALWAYS reading a book, you are not growing. If you are not ALWAYS reading a book, you are not learning. If you are ALWAYS not reading a book, you will be the same person you are today 5 years from now except you will have more people asking, whatever happened to that person?
BTW, the new CINN-A-STACK Pancakes are AWESOME!

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